CATIE joins COP27 to discuss food security and low-carbon livestock

- The United Nations Climate Change Conference 2022 (COP27), held this year in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, seeks to set out regional and global priorities for environmental, social and economic recovery.
November 11, 2022. Through various presentations and talks in person and virtually during the first week of COP27, CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research Center for Teaching), under the representation of its general director, Muhammad Ibrahim, and in alliance with the sustainable agriculture pavilion of the Americas of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), was presented at the panel organized by Protein Pact, entitled: “The unique role of nutrient-rich animal proteins for sustainable food security ”.
Through the Protein Pact, the partners of all animal proteins work to reinforce the contribution of the same in the health of people, animals, communities and the environment. During the session, held this Thursday, November 10, he focused on the progress made in the transformation of the livestock sector towards a low-carbon economy, with evidence on the emission of greenhouse gases generated by this productive activity.
CATIE shared its experience on the projects it is currently implementing in the Central American region in alliance with the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German federal government and the NAMA Facility, as part of its scientific and technical role to measure and understand the environmental impact of livestock production with a view to transforming food systems into more sustainable systems.
CATIE's Sustainable Livestock and Environmental Management Unit has been able to contribute directly to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established for zero hunger, quality education, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, responsible production and consumption, action for the climate, life of terrestrial ecosystems and alliances to achieve the objectives.
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