Connecting bioeconomy and forests to human development
- If this topic is of interest to you, we invite you to participate on March 22 in a virtual meeting where you will learn about BioForestALC.
March 14, 2022. The I Virtual Forum on the Potential of Non-Timber Forest Products for a Latin American and Caribbean Bioeconomy: Connecting the Bioeconomy and Forests with Human Development, known as BioForestALC, will be held in May 23-26.
The purpose of this event is to identify and formulate joint initiatives to strengthen the bioeconomy in Latin America and the Caribbean, based on the development of value chains of non-timber forest products.
If you are interested in knowing the details of this activity and being part of it, we invite you to the virtual meeting to present the event on March 22, at 15:00 hours in Brasilia, Brazil (UTC- 03:00), in Spanish and English. To attend the meeting you only need to confirm your attendance before March 18, at
BioForestALC is organized by the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB, its Spanish acronym), the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), the University of Brasilia (UNB), CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (OTCA, its Spanish acronym) and the Institute of Ecological Research (IPÊ, its Spanish acronym).
More information:
Evelyn Chaves Jaén
Climate Action Unit
Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Information Technology and Communication