At CATIE we work, together with the countries of the Latin American and Caribbean region, to promote a favorable path that allows us to achieve Inclusive Green Development (DVI). This development ensures intergenerational equity, the full participation of different groups in society, and the capacity maintenance of natural capital to provide the ecosystem services on which human well-being depends.

In accordance with the rigorous conceptualization of development that has been achieved over the last four decades, the DVI is based on the concept of sustainable development, which is one that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the capacity of the future generations to meet their own needs. DVI integrates a process of expanding the real freedoms enjoyed by people and seeks to end poverty, protect the planet, and improve the lives and prospects of people around the world. These widely known concepts are embodied as DVI, through the following specific characteristics:

  • Better income and rural employment with gender equity and inclusion
  • Food and nutrition security based on agrobiodiversity
  • Resilience of rural communities to climate change
  • Compliance with the goals contained in the NDC
  • Improvement and protection of natural capital
  • Ecosystem services that result in healthy people and planet (One Health)


Better rural income and employment with gender equity and inclusion, in addition to food and nutritional security based, as it should be, on agrobiodiversity, are pillars of human well-being. To achieve and consolidate gains in well-being, resilience to climate change must be built and at the same time, contribute to its mitigation by supporting the goals of the countries contained in the NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution). Finally, sustaining natural capital –biodiversity, soils and water, and the processes that regulate them– is essential to maintain ecosystem services that favor the health of people and the planet.

Climate Action

Agrobiodiversity and Food Security

Agroforestry and Genetic Improvement of Coffee and Cacao


Forests and Biodiversity in Productive Landscapes

Watersheds, Water Security, and Soils

Environmental Economics and Agribusiness

Sustainable Livestock and Environmental Management

Social inclusion and gender

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