SACHA Award recognizes CATIE professors and alumni as climate action mentors

- Bryan Finegan, Ronnie de Camino, Tatiana Espinosa and Jhonny Méndez were recognized in the fifth edition of these awards.
November 17, 2023. Bryan Finegan and Ronnie de Camino, professor-researchers at CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), as well as Jhonny Méndez, graduate of the Master's program in Integrated Natural Resource Management, and Tatiana Espinosa, graduate of the Center's Master's program in Tropical Forest Management and Conservation, were recognized on November 16 by the prestigious SACHA Award Facebook Live. as mentors for climate action.
This award honors leaders who demonstrate a deep and effective commitment to climate action.
Finegan was recognized in the research category. He is currently leading pioneering research on the effects of global change on tropical forest ecosystems and the ecosystem services they provide. His contributions are critical to understanding and addressing environmental challenges in forest systems.
For his part, de Camino, recognized in the environmental management category, is a forestry engineer and his name stands out not only for his deep knowledge in the field, but also for his commitment to sustainable human development, balancing the economic, social and environmental dimensions. De Camino is considered an influential voice in territorial forest management and in promoting a more equitable and sustainable society.
Tatiana Espinosa, also recognized in the environmental management category, is the founder and executive director of the ARBIO organization, whose mission is to protect the forests and make them resistant to the impacts of the Interoceanic Highway. To manage the 916 hectares of concession forest she was awarded, she and her team focused on protection, research and outreach. This included building a cabin in the forest, conducting tree censuses, studying the fauna, and disseminating the importance of protecting these ecosystems. The organization also implemented a crowdfunding campaign to finance its activities. crowdfunding para financiar sus actividades.
Finally, Méndez, in the environmental management category, stands out for his career with the San Carlos Forestry Development Commission (CODEFORSA) from 1990 to December 2023. He has dedicated his career to stimulating forest management and promoting reforestation in Costa Rica. His legacy is a testimony of resilience and determination in the fight against deforestation.
De Camino, who spoke at the awards ceremony, mentioned the importance of networking and exchanges. "I don't know if we are mentors or mentorees, because while it is true that we have given something, we have also received much more than what we have given. We've had the opportunity to interact with a lot of people, to have a lot of forest. We have had the blessed opportunity to love the trees, to love the forests, to feel good and see if we are doing something for nature," said de Camino.
"We extend a big congratulations to you for the well-deserved recognition. You represent CATIE's dedication to training leaders committed to climate action in Latin America," said Fernando Casanoves, CATIE's Director of Education.
In this regard, Finegan said: "the recognition that the SACHA Award gives us as mentors for climate action demonstrates the contribution that CATIE has made over a long period of time. We are recognized for training young agents of change through our Graduate School, for training at all levels of human resources with skills necessary for the implementation of climate action at the landscape scale throughout Latin America, within the framework of the Model Forest network and in other contexts; as well as for innovation in sustainable forest production with its inherent contributions to mitigation and adaptation".
The recognition is given to people considered mentors as they are leaders with vision, who inspire and who with their knowledge and trajectory have demonstrated the effectiveness of their actions in the fight against climate change.
Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Communications and Marketing Office