Leaders of Rural Americas Explore Agricultural Innovations at CATIE

- During a visit organized by IICA, over 40 leaders from 20 countries gathered at CATIE to share strategies and experiences in agro-innovation and sustainability.
On April 16th, CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) welcomed more than 40 leaders from the rural Americas, who arrived from 20 different countries to participate in a field tour. This event was part of a leaders' meeting organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), which brings together prominent representatives from the agricultural sector of the continent.

During their stay at CATIE, the leaders had the opportunity to visit the IICA-CATIE agrosilvopastoral goat module, a highlighted project within the AGROINNOVA initiative.
In this setting, the leaders exchanged experiences with CATIE's technical team and explored the progress made in the goat module, which includes knowledge management, innovation, and research, as well as community strengthening.

This holistic approach not only promotes sustainable goat production and food security but also encourages climate resilience and the circular economy in rural communities, supporting the inclusion of women and youth in agricultural activities.
The delegation consisted of a diverse mix of family farmers, medium-sized producers, peasants, members of indigenous communities, educators, cooperative promoters, students, and community leaders, all united by a common interest in fostering innovation and sustainability in agriculture.

The Rural Leadership initiative, launched by IICA in 2021, aims to give visibility to those who contribute daily to food and nutritional security while protecting the planet's biodiversity.
The visit to CATIE reaffirms the Center's and IICA's commitment to agricultural innovation and highlights the importance of international collaboration in the pursuit of a more sustainable future for agriculture in the Americas.

Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Communications and Marketing Office
Tag:agricultura, Innovation