Has been a member of CATIE since 1974, with postgraduate educational work and high-level training, national and regional high-impact projects for the environmental and agricultural sector.
Research and development
Relevant CATIE projects or actions in Panama currently
Service for strengthening the technical capacities of the Ministry of the Environment in technical training for professionals and strategic partners of the PROCUENCAS program: It has a national scope for the Ministry of the Environment professionals and local strategic partners in five priority watersheds. Currently, an addendum is being worked on to evaluate the scope and formulate a new stage of work that allows the achievements to be scaled up and work in a national instance of dialogue on the restoration of hydrographic basins (CATIE/ PRODESO-MiAmbiente/CAF).
Detailed diagnosis of climate vulnerability and a climate change adaptation plan for the Santa María River Watershed: The study provides the basis for the planning and management plan for one of the most important basins in the country and incorporates adaptation actions to climate change (CATIE-NATURA-MiAmbiente- Adaptation Fund).
Establishment of riverside reforestation and agroforestry projects with coffee systems and soil conservation in the Caisán River sub-basin, Renacimiento, Chiriquí, Panama: Contributes to the improvement of the coffee sector by incorporating strategies to reduce vulnerability and increase adaptation to climate change in coffee agroforestry systems and use hybrids from CATIE's collection, selected for high productivity and resistance to climate variability (CATIE-NATURA-MIDA- Adaptation Fund).
Support in the review, complement and action of the National Climate Change Plan for the Agricultural Sector: Sector institutions led by MIDA and MiAmbiente, with technical support from FAO, IICA and CATIE.
Support in the preparation of the National Strategic Plan for the Agricultural Sector: Sector institutions led by MIDA, with technical support from CATIE, FAO, IICA.
Offer of value for the country
Has 35 consultancies and national projects related to agricultural management, co-management of watersheds, management of protected areas, economic valuation of natural resources, agroecology, agroforestry systems with coffee and cocoa, sustainable intensification of livestock, sustainable forest management, adaptation / mitigation of climate change, water security and organizational strengthening, among others. CATIE is able and willing to continue supporting the agricultural and environmental development plans of the Republic of Panama on these and other issues within its competence.
Capacity Building
Graduate Training
- Since its creation in 1944: 107 Panamanian professionals (31 women and 76 men), representing 4% of all CATIE graduates
- Current students: 11 Panamanians (4 women and 7 men)
From 2014 to date
- 1,650 (330 women and 1,320 men) professionals and national technicians trained in our international and national courses.
- More than 7000 rural families have benefited from the methodologies, tools and innovations proposed to improve their livelihoods
Strategic partners
More than 100 partners and strategic allies, which include key government institutions related to agriculture and the environment, NGOs, academia, local organizations, private companies and local authorities.
More information:
Elvin Britton
CATIE Representative in Panama