CATIE and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency signed a new agreement
- CATIE continues to strengthen cooperation with Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to scale up Nature based Solutions for resilient livelihoods in Central America.
April 1, 2022. Today, the Director General of CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), Muhammad Ibrahim, signed a new agreement with SIDA to implement a project on scaling-up inclusive demand driven adaptation solutions for agrobiodiversity conservation and resilient livelihoods as an alternative to reduce climate change related migration in the Central American Dry Corridor, and the same for a financial contribution of about $5.3 million US.
Over the last thirty years, CATIE has been cooperating with SIDA to implement different programs, including sustainable agroforestry and silvopastoral systems; agrobiodiversity and food security; sustainable forest management; and integrated watershed management, which has had impacts in conserving natural resources and improving food security and nutrition in the region.
CATIE is very grateful for this cooperation to achieve its mission on Inclusive Green Development.
More information:
Santiago Garzón Proaño
ECA Coordinator, Ecuador
Written by:
Dannia Gamboa Solís
Communications Assistant
Information Technology and Communication