Research on water economics is positioned at two international conferences

- Volumetric water tariffs in rural areas of Central America and the effects of their adoption and potential delivery is the focus of the study co-authored by researchers from CATIE's UEAAS/EfD. UEAAS/EfD, researcher at CATIE.
June 23, 2022. The Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) and the Conference of the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) will be attended by researchers Róger Madrigal and Eduardo Pacay, from the Environmental Economics and Sustainable Agribusiness Unit (UEAASEfD), of the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE).
Both researchers will make their presentations focused on the main findings obtained with the research entitled Volumetric pricing in rural areas of Central America: adoption and potential effects on water delivery..
Róger Madrigal will participate in the EAERE 2022 Conference, during the Policies and Firms session, to be held on June 30, at 2:00 p.m. European time and 6:00 a.m. Central American time. Eduardo Pacay will speak at the IASNR 2022 Conference on June 27, in the session Water Governance in the Americas, to be held in San José, Costa Rica, at 10:00 a.m.
An important finding
"We found that volumetric tariffs are associated with better performance of community water organizations in the Central American Dry Corridor," said Róger Madrigal.
Water volume tariffs send important signals to households to save water and thus allow them to better manage scarcity in these sites," added the researcher on the study, who co-authored it with Eduardo Pacay of CATIE, Katrina Mullan of the University of Montana, Subhrendu K. Pattanayak of Duke University, and Juan Robalino of the University of Costa Rica. Pattanayak of Duke University, and Juan Robalino of the University of Costa Rica.
Importance of participation
Participation in this type of conferences is of great importance from the point of view of institutional positioning, strengthening cooperation with leading academics, as well as contributing to making access to knowledge more feasible for more people.
"Communicating research results in spaces such as the IASNR 2022 Conference is a great opportunity because it represents an opportunity to make visible the work we do at CATIE and to promote new collaborations," said Eduardo Pacay.
About the conferences
The EAERE 2022 Conference takes place for the 27th time in Rimini, Italy, from June 28 to July 1. It is organized by the Department of Economic Sciences of the University of Bologna (UniBo) as an opportunity to meet, exchange and discuss current environmental and economic issues.
The IASNR 2022 Conference will be held this year in San José, Costa Rica, from June 26-29. The Conference focuses on natural resource management issues, environmental justice, collaborative processes related to natural resource management, as well as the social impacts of natural resource management.
More information:
Róger Madrigal B.
Eduardo Pacay
Written by:
Marianela Argüello L.
Communication and Knowledge Management Officer