Caribbean Agriculture Ministers Visit CATIE to Learn About Inclusive Rural Green Development Projects

- The field trip took place on July 21st and 22nd at the main headquarters of CATIE in Costa Rica.
July 23, 2023. Agriculture ministers from Bermuda, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, and the Dominican Republic embarked on a two-day field trip to the central headquarters of CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) in Turrialba, Costa Rica. The visit was part of the Executive Committee meeting of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) held in Costa Rica.
During the field trip, the Caribbean ministers were introduced to the collaborative efforts between CATIE and IICA. Officials from CATIE showcased the outcomes of rural development projects centered around agribusiness and small ecological enterprises.
This significant meeting served to identify potential opportunities for technical cooperation in tropical agriculture, tailored to address the specific needs of the Caribbean region.
Muhammad Ibrahim, the Director-General of CATIE, emphasized the visit's importance, citing the Ministers' keen interest and ongoing discussions with IICA to forge stronger cooperation with the Caribbean region.
The excursion kicked off on Friday, July 21, with the Agriculture Ministers, IICA representatives, and high-ranking CATIE officials visiting various rural businesses and ventures .The first stop was Nortico Cacao Farma family-driven initiative focused on the vertical integration of cacao and high-quality chocolate production. ACTIVA-CATIE's innovation lab provided invaluable support to this project, extending non-reimbursable seed capital and specialized mentorship to over 52 rural businesses.
Subsequently, they explored organic banana, pineapple, and sugarcane plantations managed by the Costa Rican company Zukra. Additionally, the delegation visited the experimental plot of the Fusarium TR-4 research project, a joint endeavor by CATIE, the National Banana Corporation (CORBANA), and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA).
The project benefits from technical expertise provided by CATIE's Unit of Agrobiodiversity and Food Security, focused on agroecological management and genetic enhancement of Cavendish and Gros Michel banana species. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security, and Enterprise of Belize, lauded CATIE's research work, recognizing the potential applicability of the showcased initiatives in Central American and Caribbean countries, especially those working to strengthen their agricultural sectors and mitigate climate change's impacts.
Returning to CATIE's central headquarters, the Ministers were introduced to the hybrid propagation module for improved coffee varieties, an initiative carried out with IICA's support through a joint investment fund.
The module facilitates the establishment and commercialization of genetic materials in a sustainable and accessible manner for coffee farmers, aiming to maintain material traceability and genetic stability while streamlining production time and costs.
The first day concluded with the Agroforestry Systems Adapted to the Central American Dry Corridor (AGRO-INNOVA) project, dedicated to promoting agricultural and digital technologies in conjunction with best practices for families and producer organizations. The aim is to enhance food security and climate resilience.
Miguel Ángel Arvelo, IICA representative for Costa Rica, highlighted that many of these experiences emerged from joint efforts between IICA and CATIE, generating valuable knowledge and technologies to improve productivity, food security, and environmental conservation for small-scale producers across the Americas.
On the subsequent day, Saturday, July 22, the tour continued within CATIE's campus, exploring the international collections of coffee and cacao, the commercial farm, and the use of silvopastoral systems for low-carbon livestock production. The excursion culminated with a tour of the Botanical Garden.
At each station, the visitors had the privilege of engaging with CATIE's experts, gaining insight into the various research projects that foster Inclusive Green Development and their significant results and impacts.
The distinguished visitors included:
Antigua and Barbuda: Hon. E. P. Chet Greene, Minister of Agriculture
Grenada: Hon. Adrian Thomas, Minister of State
Saint Kitts and Nevis: Hon. Samal Mojah Duggins, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Marine Resources, Cooperatives, Entrepreneurship and Creative Economy
Saint Lucia: Hon. Alfred P. Prospere, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Physical Planning, Natural Resources and Co- operatives
Trinidad and Tobago: Hon. Avinash G. Singh, Minister of Agriculture Land
Belice: Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security
Dominican Republic:
Rafael Ortiz, Vice Minister of Scientific and Technological Affairs at the Ministry of Agriculture
Former President of the Dominican Republic, Hipólito Mejía
Embassy of Trinidad & Tobago in Costa Rica: Ms. Anesa Ali-Rodriguez, Counselor

More information:
Carlos Araya
Green Business Development, Resource Mobilization, and Strategic Alliances at CATIE
Written by:
Dannia Gamboa Solís
Communications Officer
Information Technology and Communication