Agroforestry as a Pillar of Sustainable Development

- The new edition of Tropical Forest Issues highlights the viability and benefits of agroforestry worldwide.
TROPENBOS International has officially launched its latest edition of Tropical Forest Issues (TFI), titled:Agroforestería en Acción, in which Eduardo Somarriba, a senior researcher at CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), was part of the scientific committee that designed and reviewed its contents.
This publication compiles 26 case studies from various countries, demonstrating with concrete evidence the positive impacts of agroforestry: improvement of livelihoods, increase in income, enrichment of subsistence activities, creation of employment, and promotion of community benefits.
The publication highlights how agroforestry addresses urgent global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss while promoting income diversification and strengthening food security. Through practical examples from Africa, Asia, and Latin America, it is shown that agroforestry is not only economically and ecologically viable but also significantly contributes to the well-being of peasant families and the rural economy.
TROPENBOS called on policymakers, market actors, financial institutions, NGOs, and academic organizations to join forces in favor of the development and widespread adoption of agroforestry. It is recommended to develop supportive legal frameworks, create value chains for agroforestry products, invest in agricultural training, empower women, and provide technical assistance at all levels to eliminate barriers, harness the full potential of agroforestry, and generate positive change on a global scale.
Agroforestry in Action also underscores the need to develop locally owned agroforestry production systems to maximize their benefits, adapting to different environments and socio-economic conditions. With clear and tangible examples, this publication promotes the use of diversified, productive, and resilient farming systems worldwide.
More information:
Eduardo Somarriba
Senior Researcher
Agroforestry and Coffee and Cocoa Genetic Improvement Unit
Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Communications and Marketing Office