Workshop in Trifinio Strengthens Skills in Agricultural Innovations for Climate Adaptation

- Training brought together 30 representatives from 15 organizations in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras as part of the ESCALAR project.
On May 30 and 31, 30 members of the technical team implementing the ESCALAR project—Scaling Climate Adaptation Solutions for Resilience and Reducing Migration in the Central American Dry Corridor in the Trifinio region—gathered in Esquipulas, Guatemala. This training process is specifically designed for technical staff to acquire knowledge and practical skills in agricultural innovations for climate adaptation (IApA), monitoring, gender, climate change, and communication through theoretical and practical activities.
ESCALAR's primary objective is to improve climate adaptation in the Central American Dry Corridor in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, with special attention to the Trifinio region, by scaling up the mentioned IApA. These innovations aim to strengthen food production and the resilience of livelihoods in communities facing social, environmental, and economic challenges.

For the ESCALAR project, technical aspects and field development are fundamental to implementing the eight IApA. These innovations include:
Renewal of coffee plantations with hybrid coffee plants tolerant to rust and droughts in agroforestry systems.
• Artisanal production of seeds of bean varieties tolerant to pests and diseases.
• Production of staple grains on slopes using the Kuxur Rum or Quesungal agroforestry system.
• Rainwater harvesting with roofs and storage in Zamorano-type tanks.
• Rainwater harvesting by collecting natural runoff in reservoirs.
• Production and use of bio-inputs for pest management and nutrition.
• Use of improved pastures for direct grazing or cutting in silvopastoral systems.
• Production and enrichment of forages for conservation during the dry season.
These techniques are crucial for improving agricultural resilience and adapting to changing climatic conditions.
In this context, the workshop agenda was led by José Gabriel Suchini, a specialist in staple grain production in agroforestry systems and the use of bio-inputs for ESCALAR.
The activities included participation from the entire technical project team, who shared their respective areas of expertise in brief workshop formats to provide useful tools for the implementation processes.
"One of the biggest learnings we see is the strengthening of capacities, the bonds of friendship and intervention are reinforced, doubts are clarified, criteria are unified, and solid tools and knowledge are provided so that the technical team can enhance their work in implementing agricultural innovations for adaptation," said Suchini.

The technicians participating in the workshop are part of the Trinational Commission of the Trifinio Plan (CTPT), along with representatives from 15 partner implementing organizations. These entities support ESCALAR's commitment to sustainable development and climate-resilient agriculture in the region. Through their technical staff, these organizations actively disseminate and implement the knowledge of the ESCALAR project, thus strengthening collaboration and positive impact in the region.
"It has been very satisfying to participate in this workshop organized by CATIE because it is a space where we can train and learn to use new platforms to correctly gather information," said José Ulises Alarcón, a technical support specialist for rural youth development in the Trifinio region.
It is important to highlight that the drafting of this press release was supported by Luis Ángel Rivas from the Association of Producers of Olopa, Guatemala, and José Ulises Alarcón from the CTPT. This was part of the communication practices taught during the workshop, demonstrating the direct application of the acquired knowledge.

Güisayote Community, Association of Agricultural Producers of Suchitán (APAS), Association of Producers of Olopa (APOLO), Coffee Cooperative Biological Reserves Santa Teresa Ocotepeque Ltd. (CROCREBISTOL R.L.), Agricultural Production Cooperative Association “Mirador El Escondido” Ltd.
More information:
José Gabriel Suchini
Specialist in Staple Grain Production in Agroforestry Systems and Use of Bio-inputs
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Agribusiness Unit
Written by:
Donaji Garcia
Specialist in Communication for Development