Youth-led enterprises in the Trifinio Region receive recognition and begin incubation process with seed capital

- The ESCALAR-Juventud 2024 call for proposals selected innovative enterprises that contribute to the scaling up of agricultural innovations for climate change adaptation in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.
The ESCALAR project: Strengthening climate change adaptation solutions for resilience and migration reduction in the Central American Dry Corridor, led by CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), in partnership with the Tri-national Trifinio Plan Commission (CTPT), with support from the Swedish Cooperation and the project partners, held the award ceremony for the winning projects of the II ESCALAR-Juventud 2024 call for proposals.
Through this call, 23 selected business proposals from the Trifinio Region were recognized and received seed capital, as well as training on various entrepreneurship topics and support to leverage the growth of each of their rural businesses.

In addition, special recognition was given to the enterprises that completed their investment plans with the seed capital from the I ESCALAR-Juventud 2023 call for proposals.
These enterprises are the result of the incubation process with seed capital for the strengthening and development of rural enterprises for young people and women in the Central American Dry Corridor. This process is implemented in partnership with CDMYPE - UNICAES, PROMIPYME -CUNORI and FUNDER, with the support of the Tri-national Commission of the Trifinio Plan.
In El Salvador, the event was held in conjunction with the Development Center for Micro and Small Enterprises (CDMYPE-UNICAES), on November 18 at the facilities of the Agricultural Production Technology System (SISTAGRO) - Trifinio Plan, in Metapán; while in Guatemala the awards ceremony was held in coordination with the Center for the Promotion of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (PROMIPYME - CUNORI), on November 21.

In Honduras, the activity took place on November 22 in coordination with the Foundation for Rural Business Development (FUNDER) at the Convention Center of the Ecological Coffee Cooperative La Labor Ocotepeque Limited (COCAFELOL).

The II ESCALAR-Juventud 2024 call seeks to promote rural enterprises that contribute to scaling up the implementation of agricultural innovations for climate adaptation related to coffee, livestock and basic grains, as well as water harvesting practices, agritech, clonal coffee gardens and the production and use of bio-inputs. agritech, jardines clonales de café y producción y uso de bioinsumos.
ESCALAR-Juventud is an inclusive incubation process that promotes the participation of young people and women to foster the creation and strengthening of rural enterprises that provide solutions to climate change, led by the youth of the territory.
The ESCALAR project seeks to create access to employment opportunities and develop innovative business models with the objective of reducing migration in rural areas of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
More information:
Ricardo Padrón
Specialist in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Laura Rodríguez
Agribusiness and Incubation Specialist
Written by:
Patricia Orantes
Specialist in Communication for Development