GEOCATIE: Information Platform with Geospatial Technologies

Success Case in Guatemala - Governance Monitoring Platform in SAN (G-SAN)

As part of the project "National Information Platform on Nutrition (PINN / UE / CATIE)", executed by CATIE's Ecosystem Modeling Laboratory (LME), with financial support from the European Union in Guatemala and in coordination with the Secretariat of Food and Nutrition Security (SESAN), we developed a tool for monitoring governance in food and nutrition security (G-SAN). Its purpose is to systematize the self-evaluation of the governance of the Municipal Commissions of Food and Nutrition Security (COMUSAN) of Guatemala. One of the main objectives of this initiative was to strengthen capacities in monitoring and evaluation of policies and strategies related to food and nutritional security to improve decision-making aimed at reducing malnutrition.

The monitoring of food and nutritional security is possible through algorithms that combine data from 31 variables and 7 indicators (participation, equity, transparency, response capacity, coordination, efficiency, and regulatory framework), with the goal of defining the Index of Governance in SAN. This can be visualized and analyzed through smart applications, such as Dashboards (Operations Dashboard), Smart Forms (Survey123) and Storymaps developed by the LME.Operations Dashboard), Formularios inteligentes (Survey123) y Storymaps desarrollados por el LME.

The analysis of data in real time is already a reality and this translates into an improved capacity for decision-making and the prioritization of actions to strengthen the governance of the inter-institutional framework that, in Guatemala, is responsible for implementing policies and strategies to reduce malnutrition.

This powerful tool allows the real-time synchronization of information on Governance in SAN, collected anywhere in the national territory, and makes it immediately available for analysis and decision-making. It also allows replacing obsolete practices, such as the use of paper forms and manual transcription for data capture and systematization. All of this strengthens multisectoral action and the coordination and monitoring of efforts at the municipal, community and family levels in Guatemala.

The dashboard is available on the portal of the National Food and Nutrition Security Information System (SIINSAN, The first section provides information on the SAN governance monitoring tool (G-SAN) and the entities involved in the initiative.

The second section shows the results of the monitoring of Governance in SAN at the municipal level through the Governance Index in SAN and the 7 indicators that compose it.

The third section presents a ranking of the municipalities, according to their Governance Index in SAN and in the fourth and last section, an interactive map is included in which the georeferenced points where the information has been collected that allows the calculation of the SAN Governance Index and its indicators.

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