Contribution to the prioritization of aquaculture and fishery value chains in Costa Rica

- The study will identify all the processes and stakeholders involved in the value chains to be selected..
Friday, January 11, 2023. The technical staff specialized in sustainable agribusiness of the Environmental Economics and Sustainable Agribusiness Unit (UEAAS/EfD), of CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) is conducting a study to obtain information about the most important and relevant aquaculture and fishery value chains of the Central Pacific and Northern Costa Rica, so that decision makers can prioritize them and contribute to their strengthening.
Susana Acuña, sustainable agribusiness technician at UEAAS/EfD, said that there are currently no studies mapping the aquaculture and fishery value chains in the country, which is why the information gathering and analysis being carried out is of great importance, since it provides a better and more detailed understanding of the productive activity.
"Through mapping, all the processes and actors, both direct and indirect, that participate in the value chain can be identified, in order to obtain at the end of the study an identification of bottlenecks or limitations, as well as opportunities for improvement in the different processes that occur in the chain in order to access differentiated or valuable markets," explained Acuña.
Expected results
Having clear and updated information in the study will enable two fishing and two aquaculture value chains to be selected, thus improving the marketing processes for these fishery products, highlighting their environmental, social and economic sustainability.
Acuña mentioned that strengthening the fisheries and aquaculture value chains contributes in different ways, but specifically supports small producers, because by identifying existing constraints in the production process, it is possible to find solutions through strategies at the national, cantonal, district or territorial level.
Tilapia, farmed shrimp and oysters are among the aquaculture value chains that could be considered, while snapper and sea bass, among others, could be included in the fishing industry.
About the study
The work carried out by CATIE's UEAAS/EfD agribusiness specialists began in December 2022 and will continue for three more months. It is part of the IKI TRANSFORMA project, implemented by Conservation International (CI).